Let's power up your software development life cycle!


Quick reference for the 3 big questions:

What are we working on: active projects, queued work, and speed of progress

When will it be completed: understand current pace to forecast a finish line and plan strategically

How much will it cost: costs associated with building new functionality vs. anticipated operations vs. unplanned work

Portfolio Performance

Overview of all the projects within the portfolio, objective grading scale to deliver the truth of your current state. View grading metrics for a baseline assessment across performance of all projects.

Project Performance

View the state of specific projects over their cumulative lifecycle. Grading metrics offer instant objective feedback of project performance. Understand why things are going well, and what is holding projects back.

Sprint Performance

View what’s been commitments in the current sprint, uncover bottlenecks to ensure goals are met by the end of the current sprint period.


Baseline for specific projects with Average Project Performance to understand fluctuations in team output by sprint period. View scores and metrics to understand how your SDLC processes affect performance in each sprint.


Set up your financial page by uploading the xls found under the integrations tab.

Track where dollars are going so your team can strategically allocate resources.